You have 100 days from receipt of your order to request a return. The return is your right and it will always be accepted if you proceed with your request following these steps.
The definition of PHOENX LUGGAGE refers to the following product groups: TELA 40 all colours. Phoenix Studio S.r.l. grants purchasers of a PHOENX LUGGAGE the following 100-day voluntary right of withdrawal. These rights shall only apply to the “first purchaser” of a PHOENX LUGGAGE, who purchased it directly from Phoenix Studio S.r.l under (hereinafter "You"), and these rights cannot be transferred to any third party, without the consensus of Phoenix Studio s.r.l. The “first purchaser” is the actor who made the payment through the regular payment methods accepted by Phoenix Studio s.r.l
According to the Italian Consume Code (artt. 55 e segg. D.Lgs. 206/2005), you have the right of return the item purchased within 15 days from the receipt date. Without prejudice to the statutory right of withdrawal, Phoenix Studio S.r.l grants You a voluntary right of return for the period of 100 days from receipt of the good. Provided that You return the PHOENX LUGGAGE to Phoenix Studio S.r.l within 100 days from receipt, Phoenix Studio S.r.l will refund to You the purchase price paid. Please request a return label for this purpose by email to [email protected]. You must ship the luggage within 100 days from the receipt of the good to get the refund of the price. This voluntary right of return does not restrict your statutory right of withdrawal or your statutory warranty rights. Phoenix Studio s.r.l. shall not refund the price in case of misused or irreparably damaged luggages. Please read the warranty section to check if your damages are covered. By purchasing Tela 40, all colours, the purchaser agree that all disputes that may arise from or in connection with this right of withdrawal shall be governed by the law of Italian Civil Code and subject to the jurisdiction of the court of Lucca, Italy.
To request your return, login and go to ORDERS HISTORY. If you forgot your password please make the “Remind Password” process.
Returns procedure in Italy
Returns procedure in countries other than Italy
After verification of the integrity of the product (as per General Conditions of Contract), the cost of the item/s will be refunded, while shipping costs will be retained by FFW S.r..l.